Portfolio Category: Cartoons

#Suffrage100 #YS2022 acrylic A Gude Cause Maks A Strong Erm animation bicycle Blender Brexit cartoon Cathedral Collage Covenanters drawing drawing and painting Egilsay exhibition exhibitions Fair Saturday Film Film premiere Fiona Grahame folklore gouache Hoy iScot Jack Renton Jacobites Kim Foden Kirkwall long exposure Magnus Erlendsson Monarchy Nicola Sturgeon Northlight Northlight Gallery Orcadian Stories Orkney ORSAS painting pen & ink pen and ink Peter Maxwell Davies photography Pirate Gow Rebel Orkney Rousay saltire Scottish cringe Scottish independence sea St Andrew Stanley Cursiter St Magnus Stromness The Fairy Dance The Orcadian Woman's Suffrage Society The Orkney News tree Vikings Woman's Suffrage