Tag: pen & ink

  • The Miracle of Bishop William the Old

    The Miracle of Bishop William the Old

    Black and white India ink drawing of Bishop William the Old experiencing a miracle of Magnus the Martyr. William suddenly loses and regains his sight, and becomes convinced in Magnus’ saintly nature. By Orcadian artist Martin Laird.

  • Peedie Schools, or do Orcadians suffer from the Scottish cringe?

    Peedie Schools, or do Orcadians suffer from the Scottish cringe?

    Do Orcadians suffer from the ‘Scottish cringe’? This cartoon was produced to accompany an article called “Peedie Schools for Creative Learning” by Fiona Grahame, about schooling in Orkney. It appears in the October 2017 edition of iScot magazine. Being from Kirkwall, it is not easy to imagine what the experience of growing up on one…

  • Some things never change

    Some things never change

    This cartoon was produced to accompany an article written by Fiona Grahame (of The Orkney News) for iScot magazine. I am very grateful to them for using it. As Fiona’s article explains, Norse invaders supplanted the indigenous Orcadian Picts. My cartoon shows a Viking confused by Pictish symbolism and political beliefs. He speaks the runic…